We work on the #ecologicaltransition required by the European #GreenDeal and the EU 2030 climate target plan, and in the specific case of Magno EU Project, we focus on developing strategies to help improve the efficiency and #sustainability of #packaging, #reuse and #recycling. ♻
At European level, great progress is being made in the field of sustainability, but there are also national and even local actions in many European countries to improve #sustainablepractices.
It is not only a Europe-wide work, as each country has its own practices to be more sustainable and thus contribute to the improvement of the environment and the whole territory around them
At the European Consumer Centre (ECC) in Poland, they have compiled some of these interesting sustainable practices that some European countries are carrying out, an article that can be read here:
👉 https://konsument.gov.pl/en/news/19-best-sustainable-practices-from-all-over-europe/
* The European Consumer Centre (ECC) in Poland is one of a network of 30 European Consumer Centres (ECCs) that enable consumers to learn about their rights and make the most of the opportunities offered by the Single Market. A network of legal experts helping all European consumers.
The Polish ECC was founded in 2005 and is funded by the European Union and the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.